Welcome to my Travel Photography Website

If you found me and is inquiring about my Wedding Photography services then please kindly click on the menu link with that says "My Wedding Photography", or click this, or you can type in my website directly at www.jerryputs.com. If you're NOT inquiring about my Wedding Photography services then welcome to my humble website.

A little about me...

I am really grateful with having the opportunity and fortune of being able to travel and experience a lot of amazing places and culture in my life. There are basically two words that describes the kind of person I am: Travel and Experiences. I am absolutely passionate about living life to the fullest and capturing what life is truly about. The experience of traveling, experiencing the vast culture of the world and sharing it through my images so that it may inspire others to travel is something that I hope to accomplished from this website.

If you're interested or have any questions or concerns regarding traveling, or any of the locations I've been to, please feel free to contact me. I would love to help you answer any questions and share with you my experiences.

- Jerry Putsawatanachai